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副教授 硕士生导师
- [1] "Optimization of efficiency of short-pulsed fast flow CO2 laser amplifier with dual-band and multispectral lines," Opt. Express, OE 32, 36600–36613 (2024)..
- [2] "Full higher-order Poincaré sphere beam mode-locked fiber laser," Optics & Laser Technology 176, 110933 (2024)..
- [3] "Pressure and temperature sensors based on an over-discharged spliced polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber," Opt. Express 32, 30839 (2024)..
- [4] "基于遗传算法的快轴流CO2激光放大器的参数优化," 中国激光 51, 0701016–8 (2024)..
- [5] "Propagation properties of partially coherent radially polarized rotationally-symmetric power-exponent-phase vortex beams in turbulent atmosphere," New J. Phys. 25, 123054 (2024)..
- [6] "射频激励轴快流CO2激光放大器增益性能的研究," 激光与光电子学进展 1–18 (2024)..
- [7] "Generation of rotationally symmetric power-exponent-phase vortex beams based on digital micromirror devices," Opt. Express 31, 34954 (2023)..
- [8] "Generation of mode-switchable nanosecond pulsed cylindrical vector beams and vortex beams from a Q-switched solid-state laser," Optics Communications 545, 129715 (2023)..
- [9] "Propagation properties of rotationally-symmetric power-exponent-phase vortex beam through oceanic turbulence," Optics & Laser Technology 159, 109024 (2023)..
- [10] "Statistical Properties of Partially Coherent Higher-Order Laguerre-Gaussian Power-Exponent Phase Vortex Beams," Photonics 10, 461 (2023)..